Reset Your relationship to Cold
Turn it Into Your Ally
For a Healthy and Vibrant Life

Since childhood, we have been conditioned to protect ourselves from the cold and its supposed negative consequences. This retreat aims to free yourself from this belief and use cold as your powerful ally.

What will happen:

Through collective breathing practices, you will center yourself before connecting with the cold in all its forms (crystal-clear water, ice and air). Playing and focusing in a natural environment will bring lightness and joyfulness to many moments. The highlight of this retreat culminates with the integration of all of the practices in the emblematic climb to the tower.


Become Stronger

Increase Energy Level

Strengthen Immune System

Enhance Cardiovascular Health

Better Stress Adaptation

Access to Flow State

Pain Relief and Reduced Inflammation

Quality Sleep

The Retreat

This retreat is to stimulate your mind-body applying powerful practices.
in a comfortable and cozy home in the middle of fabulous Serra da Estrela.
We will alternate between moments of intense focus outdoors and calm relaxing exercises indoors
A special moment to discover and refine the power of your mind-body in a safe and brave space.

Intimate Group of 8 people maximum.

Fee: 695 Euros

Early bird: 595 euros
before 15.01.2024

When: 15h00 Friday 02.02.2024
15h00 Sunday 04.02.2024

Included: food from Friday’s dinner to Sunday’s Lunch.

2 nights in shared bedroom

Hey I’m Nikolas Latka!

My Quest is to Deepen my Knowledge About the Human Body and Life…thanks to Fun!

I’m a French chiropractor since 2008 and I have traveled to 5 continents (Antartica is still on my list!). After working in Switzerland and undertaking humanitarian missions in Italy, Brazil and Vietnam, in 2009 I settled down in Portugal.

To help my patients in the fastest and most effective manner, I learn from the world's most elite therapists in sports and functional medicine. My patients include ultra-marathon runners, professional skydivers, musicians and entrepreneurs.

My journey with the cold began in 2016 when I encountered the Wim Hof Method. Enthralled by this technique, I became a certified instructor trained by Wim himself. Since then I have conducted workshops in Portugal, France and Argentina.

Come Cold with Us!

Contact Us

Phone: +351 911 748 869